Aangezien onze 'excommunicatie' van de Eeuwigheid ( Chassekerk ) veel stof deed opwaaien in de kranten en onze aanhang hebben we besloten er een blog aan te wijden. Bezoek het : http://laquintaessentia.wordpress.com
hieronder het laatste krantebericht uit de Trouw van 26-10-11
Kleine docu over iLLUSEUM door Janou Treffers tijdens WonderKermis III 2013
Opening of the concert 'Mineral Orchestra' by Felix Kubin with children's choir from the neighboring 'Springplank' - school 18 April 2014 with the song 'Amoebia'
Part 1 of 'Mineral Orchestra' by Felix Kubin 18 April 2014 - projections by OpenUpClub
R . I . P .
P e t e r ..P r i n c i p l e
In the year 2005 we were proud to present Our Favorite Men-in-Suit in Amsterdam at the iLLUSEUM and several other venues.This is a little documentary about it with Peter Principle as the lead. (also starring Steven Brown, Blaine Reininger, Luc van Lieshout)
In our last conversation on their latest tour in Den Hague (Paard van Troje 2016) Peter asked me whether it wasn't time for the iLLUSEUM to start a sanctuary for old musicians. Hopefully he found his sanctuary now
May you rest in in music, Peter Principle
You will be sorely missed
but lovingly remembered
Het iLLUSEUM is een hedendaags wonderkabinet. Tot stand gekomen door Grace de la Luna, Gerard Riksen & Alexander van der Woel. Sinds 2001 maken zij tentoonstellingen en programmeren performances, concerten, filmvoorstellingen en festivals. In thematentoonstellingen tonen zij hun eigen werk en dat van anderen in een voortdurend veranderende installatie.
The iLLUSEUM is a contemporary wondercabinet shaped by the artists: Grace de la Luna, Gerard Riksen and Alexander van der Woel. Since 2001 they have been making exhibitions, staging performances, concerts and festivals. In theme-exhibitions they show their own work and that of others in a constantly changing installation.
i L L U S E U M |
adres:Witte de Withstraat
120 |
1057zh Amsterdam |
tel:+31(0)20-7705581 |
contact:illuseum@gmail.com |
web:www.illuseum.com |
Donaties zijn meer dan welkom: Donations are more than welcome: |
Pbank:6740970 ( st. La Quinta Essentia ) |
If you would like to be updated about our program send us an email at: illuseum@gmail.com